Monday, April 14, 2014

2nd 500 Words

Maybe some deem quality to be a symbol of effort, others, a word meaning that whatever the do, success will come out of it at the end. A quality work out perhaps means that one will focus all his efforts into exercising his body to become stronger, not performing many repetitious movements for no purpose, but fewer, more concentrated ones. This brings the interpretation of quality as being an essence that takes up more time but delivers better results, which in some cases may e true, but yet does not apply to everything in life. A “quality” bed for example would not follow that definition. Does quality in this case, as pertaining to the bed, take the form of a positive describing adjective? Does it mean that the bed is durable? Comfortable? Quality in the present real world takes various shapes and is open for interpretation by all, it will never fall under one definition as it is already widely used throughout many different industries that use it as the please.
            Now throughout the novel, quality was connected with motorcycle maintenance, and especially between the styles of maintenance between John and the narrator. In this instance, the quality maintenance each character looks for entails the same purpose; give their bikes the best possible care. However, they d not entail the same type of maintenance, since both characters have different definitions of quality themselves. John’s quality maintenance for his motorcycle entails taking it to a mechanic who knows how to repair and keep a motorcycle in excellent shape, since John does not know anything about maintaining a motorcycle. In contradiction to john’s style of quality maintenance, the narrator does not trust any mechanic and prefers maintaining his motorcycle himself. To him, that is his quality maintenance, and the best solution for keeping his motorcycle in excellent shape.
            The way in which each character sees quality with their motorcycle maintenance can be used to identify how they see quality in their family relationships as well. As the narrator takes a close and personal connection with quality, and feels he can deliver the best quality there is, his relationship with Chris resembles a close father-son interaction, where any problems that arise are taken care of in a personal matter, without contacting anybody else. As for John and Sylvia however, their interactions may need an outside source. Much like John’s motorcycle gets taken care by a mechanic, their relationship is shaped to some degree by the lectures and life lessons the narrator provides throughout their trip across the nation. When one decides on how to interpret quality in his own life, that definition usually extends throughout all aspects of his life, and that is what we see in the novel with each character.

            With each person seeing quality in a different way, there is an array of different examples of how quality is used in everyday life. Ranging from many different sectors in business, to many different areas of intellectual development, quality is seen everywhere.  

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