Pirsig, in the early years of his
life, described as Phaedrus, reaches insanity due to the fact that he is unable
to understand that the word quality cannot be defined and comprehended in a
rational manner. Its significance and meaning is never ending and Phaedrus
would not accept that. The more he tried to answer the question "What is
quality?" the more questions he came up with because he kept searching for
a logical answer. Eventually, the stress on his mind became too much to handle
and he was admitted into a mental institution. Being unable to answer this
question, Phaedrus became immensely depressed and underwent electroshock
therapy. After he was cured, Pirsig now telling the story as himself is
repeating the same type of behavior. He tries to finish what he started but was
not succeeding. Before reaching a critical state and being declared insane once
again, his son Chris, helped him realize that the question has no answer. Therefore,
the same could be said for life itself, which cannot be understood through
rational thinking either.
A "rational" mind is one
that only participates in actions that are beneficial to it and yet, humans
themselves seem to lack this trait. A zebra will not stand by a body of water intentionally
if they knew that a hungry alligator was patiently waiting to pounce on their
flesh. They stand by the water in order to drink it because they need it to
stay alive, but humans on the other hand consciously put a cigarette into their
mouths and with the upmost intention inhale tobacco smoke and tar into their
lungs. Even with more than enough concrete evidence on how smoking can cause
lung cancer and deteriorate one of the most important organs needed to live,
people continue to put their life on the line, risking their health. It's true
that the nicotine in cigarettes is addicting and some people may argue that
they have tried to stop, but a person does not become addicted to something
they have never done. In other words, why pick up that first cigarette knowing
the harm it can cause?
One of the reasons is because we
can. People want to believe that they have a choice; they want to feel a
sense of freedom. We have no control over outside forces and therefore
compensate by having a say in what we do, in what affects us directly, even if
it is threatening to our own health. Humans in general want to be able to say
that they made a choice; that they decided to smoke whether they regret it
later on or not because at that time they felt like they were in control. These
decisions are made because people are afraid of losing the power they think
they have over their own lives. While there is a psychological explanation for
this, there is also an emotional one focusing on the senses. The rush obtained
from tempting death, for a lack of a better expression, makes people feel
alive. Smoking a cigarette can be compared to sky diving or speed racing; the
adrenaline released from performing such actions although dangerous and
possibly life threatening creates a type of high that temporarily clears the
mind. For that amount of time, the worries of real life seem to disappear. If
we behave irrationally, then how can we understand the life we live by thinking
about it rationally?
must live in par with the way we think in order to be successful, but we can
never truly accomplish that if we keep stopping ourselves from thinking. Take
space for example; we all see the universe as this black empty space that
encompasses the earth as well as the other planets. It contains moons, stars,
black holes, even the son. Space is not that difficult to describe once you
have set a limit to it. What I mean by this is that we put walls up around our thinking;
we stop our minds from developing because we try to be rational beings. Space
is not definite, it is boundless; it is infinite. We are more than able to
acknowledge this fact, but we deny ourselves the ability to actually picture
this image in our heads. When we all try to imagine space for what it is,
purposely or not, we eventually stop at a certain point, creating an
impenetrable force. We are either too lazy to put in the work, or this
irrational thought is too overwhelming and the only way to get some meaning out
of it is by cutting it off and making the thought rational. We impede ourselves
from fully accepting that space is limitless because at the end of day, we
is a commonly used word thrown around weightlessly in every day conversation
without capturing its meaning. I myself never gave the word quality much
thought until Pirsig discussed his interpretation of its significance. The
dictionary definition for quality is the standard of something as measured
against other things of a similar kind. In my eyes, quality is the degree of
excellence given depending on the person and the task the object of quality is
being used for. Everyone has different opinions on different things and
therefore I believe that quality cannot have a universal definition, but each
human creates their own personalized explanations that are somewhat similar. According
to Pirsig, quality or value cannot be defined because it precedes any
intellectual construction of it due to the reason that it exists as a perceptual
experience before it is ever thought of descriptively. Pirsig states that
quality is derived from past experiences that have shaped our likes and
dislikes, but if quality cannot be defined, does it exist? How does something
that cannot be described be real? Quality
cannot be defined, only understood intellectually. It is this thought exactly that
forced Phaedrus to reach insanity. His never ending attempt to define quality
and make that thought rational forced him to go too far. Like everyone when
referring to space, Phaedrus acknowledged that quality did not have an end, but
unlike everyone, he did not stop trying to picture it.
essence, Religion is something else that man will never stop trying to picture.
Religion tends to be an enormous part of people’s lives. It was created in
order to give hope to humanity, in order to try and instill an inner sense of
goodness rather than evil, in order to set a way of life for someone. We give God all the responsibilities that we
cannot handle. We pray when there is nothing left for us to do, when what will
happen next is out of our hands. Religion is seen by most as something
completely normal and many would even state that they need religion, that it
creates a base for who they are. Yet, religion itself is completely irrational and
calls for irrational thoughts in order for one to truly believe. Therefore,
when one is practicing their religion, they are partaking in illogical thoughts
and behavior. Does it seem logical, that one all mighty immortal man who lives
in the clouds created the entire universe? To some, the answer is yes, anything
is possible. However, if one type religion is proven factual then another
religion is disproved due to their conflicting views. All religions have
similarities and are all stemmed from the same place. In addition, if
Catholicism was confirmed to be true, then it would no longer be considered a
religion; there is no longer any believing, there is now simply knowing.
it cannot be verified as false either and that’s where the problem arises.
There are no absolute truths in life. When dealing with this certain topic,
there are two opposing viewpoints: Creationism, the belief that the universe
and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation Vs
Darwinism, the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection. The
definition for creationism does not include any specific God or biblical
account which. In a way, acts as its own rebuttal; Creationism is seen as God
created everything, but there are different gods in every religion, so which
God was it? Which religion was right? Darwinism has its faults as well. Is it
more logical that we came from two people, Adam and Eve, whom decided to pop
out of thin air or that we all originated from a single celled bacterium smaller
than a millimeter in length and width? Neither can be established nor
falsified. This argument has been going
on for years and will continue to be a topic of discussion for centuries to
come. There are illogical questions in life. If one tries to create a rational
explanation for religion and how the world came to be, if one continues to try
and find an answer, then they will drive themselves insane exactly like
his former self, Pirsig did not reach insanity as Phaedrus did. Pirsig’s love
towards his son, Chris is what stopped him from going on a downward spiral.
Love is a powerful thing that could make people do things they never thought
they would. Love could be described as a rational act because it causes
chemical reactions, releases dopamine and makes the body react as nature
intended it to, yet, are actions caused by love rational? In essence, human
nature is said to be selfish, focusing on only what will give them personal
benefit, but when love is brought into the equation, partners usually, or are
at least supposed to put each other’s happiness before theirs. Although that does
not always happen, when it does, humans are contradicting supposed human nature
with a rational bodily act called love. Love is considered and seen by many as
a confusing topic that will never be understood and there is reasoning behind
it; love and what it entails is not rational. Hence, using normal thoughts to
figure out what love is and what it means will fail to make sense and evoke
further thoughts.
is the world we live in supposed to be understood if there is not a logical explanation
to every scenario? As with religion, a continuous search for how life works
through logical reasons will go on forever. People have never stopped trying to
find why things happen, how life works or what the meaning of life is. This is
due to the fact that there is no one or concrete response to answer any of
these questions without accepting that life is not normal, that it is not
rational and therefore any attempt at using rational thinking will be utterly unsuccessful.
But how do we know what is rational? When we consider something to be unusual or
when something unexpected happens that could have never been predicted due to
weird extraneous variables, then we see it as irrational and that scares many
people. People find comfort in the norm, in the normal aspects of life even
though most of life is not rational. But if the rationale is something humans
created in order to feel safe and have a structure on how to live, then does it
exist? Then, if life, like quality, has no exact or real definition, does life
exist? In other words, if by every moment that passes we are closer to death,
are we living or are we dying? Nothing truly makes sense and the more you try
to make life reasonable and understand, the faster the possibility of becoming
insane arises.
Works Cited:
Pirsig, Robert M.. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: an inquiry into values,. New York: Morrow, 1974. Print.
Word Count: 1921
Works Cited:
Pirsig, Robert M.. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: an inquiry into values,. New York: Morrow, 1974. Print.
Word Count: 1921
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